Living to Learn or Learning to Live?

Church of England Article By Lord Taylor of Warwick It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest“. A teacher at my Birmingham grammar school helped me see that a university education might, in the long term, be better for me than playing soccer for Aston Villa. I am not sure Villa would have gained much …

Lord John Taylor of Warwick, Endeavour Magazine, Britain

The Empire Strikes Back

“No Blacks, No Irish, No Dogs”. That was the sign in many windows in Birmingham 1950, when my father was looking for accommodation. Rooms that were advertised for rent had somehow “just been taken, ” shortly before he knocked on the front door of that particular address. When he was growing up in Jamaica, he had thought of Britain as the motherland. …

Lord Taylor of Warwick, Higher Education

Higher Education Bill

My Lords, it was Benjamin Franklin who said: “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest”. A teacher at my Birmingham grammar school helped me to see that a university education might, in the long term, be better for me than playing soccer for Aston Villa. I am not sure that Villa would have gained much from my services …