Education, Lord Taylor of Warwick

Education and Society

My Lords, I, too, thank the most reverend Primate for this timely debate. It was Aristotle who said: “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”. Education should be about understanding, not just memory. The whole-person view of education is clear from the Bible. Christ is spoken of as a teacher many times in the Gospels, …

Face Value, Lord John Taylor of Warwick, Multiculturalism, society, education, values

Face Value

Addams Family Values was a Hollywood hit film of the 1990s. No one could dispute this featured a tight knit family with firm values. The problem was that gory Gothic horror was what defined their values. So when the Government recently announced that all schools will be required to promote “British Values”, many were left asking “What does that mean? …