

Lord Taylor of Warwick rose to call attention to the concept of Britishness in the context of the cultural, historical, constitutional and ethical tradition of the peoples of these islands; and to move for Papers. The noble Lord said: My Lords, a British national newspaper once asked its readers what it means to be British. One of the responses that …

UKIP, Lord John Taylor of Warwick, Endeavour Magazine

Is UKIP Half Baked?

“Fruitcakes and loons”. That is how David Cameron described the United Kingdom Independence Party, when he became Prime Minster in 2010. That could prove to be a dreadful strategic mistake, as he prepares for the next General election, in 2015. Unfortunately for Mr Cameron, the fruitcakes are on the rise. By labelling UKIP also as “closet racists” Mr Cameron is in danger of insulting millions of small “c” Conservatives who …

Lord John Taylor, House of Lords, Endeavour Magazine, Race, Politics, Immigration

Winning the Race

“It was sure great to meet you and maybe we can catch up in London. Have a nice day”, said the slim young man. We were walking into an international leaders’ breakfast in the Hilton Hotel, Washington DC. We didn’t know each other, but shook hands and exchanged a short greeting. I did not think much more of it. A few …

Face Value, Lord John Taylor of Warwick, Multiculturalism, society, education, values

Face Value

Addams Family Values was a Hollywood hit film of the 1990s. No one could dispute this featured a tight knit family with firm values. The problem was that gory Gothic horror was what defined their values. So when the Government recently announced that all schools will be required to promote “British Values”, many were left asking “What does that mean? …