Lord Taylor of Warwick rose to call attention to the concept of Britishness in the context of the cultural, historical, constitutional and ethical tradition of the peoples of these islands; and to move for Papers. The noble Lord said: My Lords, a British national newspaper once asked its readers what it means to be British. One of the responses that …
Racial and Religious Hatred Bill
My Lords, some years ago, in 1990, as the Conservative parliamentary candidate in Cheltenham, I had a rather interesting experience. On my first day as a candidate, an elderly lady approached me and demanded to know what exotic part of the world I was from. I replied that I was from the sunny paradise of Birmingham, just off the M6 …
Luke Whose Talking
Church of England Article By Lord Taylor of Warwick We cannot shake hands with a clenched list. Racial and multicultural harmony can only be achieved through the open palms of friendship, between our communities. Last week Michael Nazir-Ali, the Church of England‘s first Asian bishop, commented that Muslim extremists are hindering such harmony in Britain. He has been criticised for …