

Lord Taylor of Warwick rose to call attention to the concept of Britishness in the context of the cultural, historical, constitutional and ethical tradition of the peoples of these islands; and to move for Papers. The noble Lord said: My Lords, a British national newspaper once asked its readers what it means to be British. One of the responses that …

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Church of England Article By Lord Taylor of Warwick It’s all change at the top. After 10 years of Tony Blair, Britain has a new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. After 12 years of Jacques Chirac, France voted in a new president, Nicolas Sarkozy. At the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon of South Korea has taken over from Kofi Annan as secretary-general. …

Education, Teachers, University, Britain, learning

Education Fails the Grade

Church of England Article By Lord Taylor of Warwick The importance of education is beyond dispute. In the Bible, God rewards Solomon for rating “wisdom and knowledge” above “wealth, riches or honour” (2 Chronicles 1: 9-11). When Tony Blair became Prime Minister he championed “Education, Education, Education” above all. The Bible stresses the important role that teaching has in nurturing …